Happy birthday, mama! And what better way to draw attention to your store than to tape a hand-written sign to the street? While taking this picture, Hannah and I were accosted by the adoring Korean public. Yup. We're English teachers!
This is me with my former Kinder partner teacher, Yuria. She still watches out for me as she works as the head teacher for all teachers under the ECC umbrella. She's absolutely adorable, but hates having her picture taken~
This is a Pappa Rotti bun. It has a crisp, maple-flavored outer shell, flaky inside, and in that hole is some melted butter. It is wonderful, and I'm glad it's across a very busy street from school and requires an effort to obtain.
This is my only Tuesday/Thursday afternoon class--we've had a lot of tears, screaming, gluing, giggling, and "I love yous" over the last eight months. They are so precious, but helping 9 kids who can't read do workbooks... Tiring.
I caught up with my old kids playing after school before their new English lessons with Hannah. I'm glad to know life goes on, but they'll still always be my first class.
You have to look hard, but there are 2 dancing girls you can see. Stores hire these anorexic beauties to dance for 3-4 hours at a time to lure in customers. It's really bizarre. I'll try to get a better photo.